AGU Workshop on

Geometry and Representation Theory


日時:May 9 (Saturday), 2015
場所:Room L603, Aoyamagakuin University, Sagamihara Campus
青山学院大学理工学部 (相模原キャンパス) L603 号室



09:30 – 10:10: Masatoshi Kitagawa (Univ Tokyo) 北川 宜稔 (東大数理)

On irreducibility of U(g)H-modules (U(g)H-加群の既約性について)


10:30 – 11:30: Bent Ørsted (Aarhus Univ) 勉人 獲瑠洲鐡土 (オーフス大)

Some natural deformations of the Fourier transform


12:40 – 13:20: Toshihisa Kubo (Univ Tokyo) 久保 利久 (東大数理)

On the reducible points for scalar generalized Verma modules


13:40 – 14:40: Hiroshi Oda (Takushoku Univ) 織田 (拓殖大)

Radial pairs and Ciubotaru-Trapa functors


Introductory Lecture for undergraduate students: (学部学生向け入門講義)

15:00 – 15:40: Bent Ørsted (Aarhus Univ)

Some mathematics and some physics connected with ellipses in the plane


16:00 – 17:00: Yoshiki Oshima (IPMU) 大島 芳樹 (数物連携宇宙研究機構)

On the continuations of Borel-de Siebenthal discrete series representations


17:20 – 18:00: Ryosuke Nakahama (Univ Tokyo) 中濱良祐 (東大数理)
Norm computation and analytic continuation of vector valued holomorphic discrete series representations


Contact: Kyo Nishiyama (AGU)

連絡先: 西山 (青学理工)